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#ZoomJam: Let’s Get (Appropriately) Personal

Do you really know your coworkers? The people you’re spending so much time with on a daily basis? This game is designed for coworkers to see if they know each other’s favorite things. Will they be able to guess whose favorite movie is whose? Or will they learn something new about each other?

Game Instructions

1. Before joining the meeting, players should go delete their profile pictures to conceal their identities.

2. To begin, players should have their video turned off. Team should brainstorm a pseudonym that everyone will change their screen names to. For example, every person will change their name to “Who Am I?” to conceal identities. Other examples could include “Mystery”, “???”, “Plankton”, etc.

3. Additionally, they should set their screens to hide non-video participants.

4. One person declares themselves as the moderator. The moderator will pose a simple question to the group for each person to answer. Their video will remain on for the remainder of the game. Examples of questions include favorite movie, animal, food, etc.

5. Players have two minutes to find an image that represents their answer and send it to the moderator. The moderator will download each image and be ready to set that as their personal background.

6. When everyone is ready, the moderator will change their background to the first image. Ideally, the moderator should be out of frame so the whole image is shown. Based on the answer shown, the other players will have to guess whose screen they think they’re seeing. Once the team comes to a consensus on their guess, the answer is revealed by that player turning on their video and revealing themselves.

7. That player will then turn their video back off, and the game continues until every player has been guessed. The game then ends, and another round can be played if time permits. Don’t forget to change your name back to your real name once the game ends!

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